Monday, April 28, 2008

Yay Therapy!

It's been awhile, huh? I wish I could do this everyday, but what with my limited interwebz time, I just can't. D: You all can rest assured that I will post something everyday while in Florida. You'll just have to wait awhile.

To the main topic of my post! I called a counseling place today. They're gonna call me later this week to set up an appointment. I'm so nervous, but excited at the same time! I can't wait. I'm already doing so good here, who knows what new strengths I could find by talking to this person. On the other hand, what kinds of things have I been suppressing that will come out during these sessions? What kinds of things will I find out about myself...It makes me nervous all over again. I want to know the reason I feel so scared of rejection and abandonment. Why I can't remember most of my childhood. What happened to me? Do I really want to know? D:

I bought my brother his plane ticket to go to Florida. He's going in May, and it cost 265. That bastard, his plane ticket was even less than mine was. D< So unfair. I hope to god that he'll pay me back on Thursday like he says he will. You never know with Brother. He has a job this time, so that's a plus, but he's also an alcohalic and a known drug user, so I can't fully trust him. I'll just have to poke him until he pays me.

On a happier note, I went shopping yesterday! I got shorts, shirts, a new pillow, a backpack, notebooks, and pencils. I'm wearing one of the new shirts now. It's green, and it's got 2 bananas on it, and it says, 'Let's Split'. It's awesome. Another one has hearts all over it and it says 'Adorable.' Yes, yes I am.

Oh, yeah, I also got new shoes~. They're basketball shoes, but low tops, and they're all blue and black and sparkly~. I love them, but I think they may be a little small on me. D: I hope not, because I've been wearing them, so I can't take them back. Shit.

I need to work out a system so that I don't lose my stuff. D: This is like the fifth time this week that I lost my iPod, and it's getting annoying. (Plus I think Pinky is getting a little fed up with my losing my stuff. She might start putting it down on The List. D:) I should have a set place for my phone, iPod, wallet, ect. I should, but I know I'm going to forget to do it. xD It's me.

Well, until next time, Lovies.

Love ya~

Sunday, April 27, 2008

i'm the one who begs. (another boy post)

my day seemed to go the opposite of Pinkster the kinkster's. i woke up sad thinking i wouldn't get to see Her. boy was i wrong.

i was just as shocked when the mother actually asked if i wanted to come. i've been living, and still am really, under the impression that she is not fond of me. Maybe its the appearance of handyman. Maybe she suspects something. Maybe she got some. Whatever it is, i like the change.

Pinky covered the main points of our adventure so i'll stick to the side shit She left out.

Like this little gem: A BIRD SHIT ON ME! i repeat. A BIRD FUCKING SHIT ON ME! Sure, in itself, that's not that uncommon. Birds shit on people all the time. But when you think about the events surrounding and leading to the aforementioned doody, you'll see something bigger is afoot.

First, i just happened to have an extra set of clothes today. Before leaving the house, i argued with myself over whether or not i should bring spare clothes. i decided too at the last minute only because i wanted to get Pinky in the water, where i could hold her hand in plain view without arousing the suspicion of the Units. Yes ladies and gentleman, i am that fucking lame.

Second, to get on the path i was walking while being shat on, i stopped 3 times to look at objects in windows and moved to the left side of the walk way so i could see Pinky ahead of me rather than the posteriors of the Units. Lets face it, She's just prettier than the Unit's asses.

Each seemingly innocent movement brought me one step closer to poo, and its because of this that i believe this incident was destiny. i believe i was meant to be crapped on. Why? Why did fate through me this fresh, nutty curve ball? This is just speculation, but i think that bird was placed there to show me that i am not a fan of scat.

Fun fact: on the beach i was laying on my back and there were birds flying above me. i was honestly very scared to yawn.

i fell in love with that "one of us begs for it" collar. i will make it my life's mission to have it.

my day did end in a bit of anger, so i guess it wasn't all that much different from Pinky's. While we were at the beach i frequently saw the Units engaging in lovey-doveyness. It ticked me off a tiny bit. It's not exactly fun to be on a beautiful beach with the woman you love and not be able to express it. im way too much a hopeless romantic for that kinda restraint. God damn secretness.

i must also take responsibility for Handyman's doomsday speech. i made the mistake of engaging him in a debate without finishing any of my points or shutting him down. As much as i love debating, when a man denies the hate that spews from right wing extremists and says global warming is a scam, debate sort of loses its fun. i just cant seem to bring myself to take a huge Rush Limbaugh fan seriously. God damn me for being a liberal elitist...

That's all for tonight.

~i love you all and theres absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Sippin' apathy through a hate-laced straw.

Funny how certain things can affect someone so potently, that even though they woke up with a smile, at the end of the day it's almost as if it never existed. And the most frustrating part of all of this is that I have no bloody clue what got Me like this. I hate that. Reminds Me too much of My HS years; absolutely no control over Myself whatsoever. It's an odd cocktail of emotions, mostly consisting of numbness, a few shots of apathy, a splash of anger, and a pretty cherry of nostalgia.

Might've been all the rot HandyMan was talking about most of today. He was unusually pessimistic, very unlike him. I mean... most of it was true, our economy IS shit, the government most likely IS using us like puppets, the world HAS a great possibility of ending in less than a decade. It was just all... overwhelming. That's how I used to think, negative all the time, and now that I have a bit of a firm grasp of optimism, Mr. Always Positive goes grumpy old man on Me. Thank god I had boy with Me. I would've been in this black slum all day, I think.

But anyway, on to the good part of the day. Mother actually offered to bring boy with us to the beach today. Complete and utter shock. She's hasn't offered in a long time. Haven't figured out what was up with that yet. Ah well. She seems to be getting a little less nasty-bitch, and more how she used to be. Might be a glimpse of menopause. Oh jesus........

We had yummy pizza and garlic rolls at Big Louie's , then strolled through the mini vintage shops that were in the same plaza. I oogled at the pet-tique shop for a while, with boy at My side as always. They had such cute stuff, ^___^. And we found a leash that said "One of us begs for it" at one of the vintage stores that sold a bunch of random shit. It was great, ^.^. We then headed to Borders, stayed there for a bit. Bought boy a political book thingy that I can't remember exactly what it's about now, and I bought Myself a gardening encyclopedia book for My new obsession, lol. So many pretty garden designs... I hope to make My huge backyard in My awesomely huge house in the future as pretty as those. *wistful sigh*

*sways to trippy Pink Floyd music*

Yeah. One of those days.

I think I'm done for today's blog. Need to leave some stuff for boy to talk about for later, since he's supposedly posting tonight, lol. *winks* Love ya, boy. And My little starshine too. *huggles* Going to grab some cookies and maybe doodle some. Toodles.

Comfortably numb, and lovin' it,

~The Pink.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rested, Chipper, and Productive, OH MY!

I never would have thought that those three words would ever be in the same sentence when describing Me. Ever. Sometimes it'd be chipper, sometimes it'd be slightly productive, and I can't remember the last time I felt rested lol. Ah, insomnia, you are a cruel Mistress... XD! Teehee. Anywho, so I actually got a whole night of sleep, save for the interruption of Le Bladder, but other than that, slept like a sloshed rock. It was so much better than a normal rock.

Ok so I'm in a weird mood. Sue Me.

Helped The Handyman out today with putting on the countertops. Had to spend like 3 hours in Home Depot though, between him running around trying to find everything on his list, Me floating through the rows of flowers attempting to make a decision, and us not finding each other lol. It was great. I was oh so very excited to start planting My pretty sunflower seeds, marigolds, gold dust, alyssums, and the other three that I can't fully remember nor spell. I bought enriched soil, a mini digger thingy (shush, I don't know the proper gardening lingo yet >.<), and garden gloves. I had a blast setting everything up. I love the idea that I'm growing something, and that it depends on Me to take care of it. (Hence I have two lovely pets, ^.^)

I'm going to flip out when I see the little sprouts peeking through. They'll hopefully be partially, if not fully grown once starshine arrives, ^__^. I set it up all nice so once they grow, the colors will compliment each other. Patterned it and everything, ^_^. Tis an art, and I heart art.

Between that and assisting The HandyMan every once in a while, that's basically all I did today lol. Mother didn't even ruin My shiny, which is amazing lol. She almost always does. My fault, honestly. I shouldn't let her dictate My life/emotions/mentality/everything. You'd think Me being a Dom I'd be able to tell her to get off My ass about every damn thing, to stop being a passive/aggressive, two-faced whore, but, alas, I never had the strength to stand up to My manipulative Parental Units.

Again, I'm not bitter.

I think I'm getting a bit better though. I actually speak back now, throw some good points in there every once in a while when I don't feel like I'm bloody 5 years old again. I think if I show her My true anger, the violent yummy kind, she'll back off. Maybe even fear Me. That'd be nice, I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore, ^_^. We shall see what happens. The HandyMan is here for the weekend, so she'll be as sweet as cherry pie. I hate cherry pie.

Fuck My back is killing Me, >.<. *needs a massage*

I didn't get to see boy today, *pouties*. But maybe sometime this weekend. Mother is supposed to practice driving with Me either tomorrow or Sunday. 10 bucks says she won't keep her promise. (Note the non-bitterness) I really want to get the Industrial piercing, which I vowed to get it this week, but that never happened cause the kitchen people took up all My time. But that's ok cause I want My kitchen restored more than an Industrial piercing. Scary, I know. I really need a job, like... now, lol. Between My mother sucking My money out of My bank account for bills that I randomly have to start paying because she's a stubborn little fuck that won't admit that she needs help with financial stuff to her family, who would gladly help her, so instead she takes My money out My already slightly withered account, and expects Me to become the fucking president with 20 bucks in My pocket. I love her logic.

So starshine and I have an 'official' song: Til Kingdom Come, by ColdPlay. Haven't heard it yet, but the lyrics are beautiful and kinda dead on, XP. boy and I have yet to decide on a song, but I think it might be Calling You, by Blue October, ^.^. Gotta talk with him about that.

I think I 'm going to watch All Dogs Go To Heaven tonight... I wish I had someone to snuggle with, *sniffles* =v.v=

That about covers My day. I'll probably three way with boy and starshine later, if I'm not passed out, XD. YAY NECROPHILIA!! Kinda...

Til next time, My lovelies.

Brutally yours,


My Day and Other Things.

My day was actually exetremely boring, don'tcha know. (Yes, Boy, I am doing this to annoy you. mwahaha.)

But really, it was. Mostly I just cleaned around the house, bathroom, birdcage, my room, stairs, laundry. Everything that I had on my list for the day, done. YAY FOR ME. Now I have to go to work right after this and do MORE cleaning. Oh joy. Rapture. Someone kill me and get me away from the damn soap. D:

I told my family about me and Pinky yesterday. They were...okay with it, I guess. They're concerned that I don't know what I am, sexually-wise. I need to figure that out. I don't know if I'm gay or bi, but I definetly ain't straight, that's for damn sure. I can't say that I'm attracted to men, or even women for that matter. Just Pinky. No one else besides her has made me feel this amount of love and devotion and passion and need. I love her. That's all there is to it. But most people won't accept that. They need to KNOW. 'Are you or aren't you? What if she leaves you? Are you gonna be straight when this is over?' I don't know. I might never know. I'm barely starting to know myself.

Which is why, because I have so many issues with my sexuality, amoung other issues, that I am going to get some therapy for a while. Just to figure out where, possibly even who I am in all of this. Pinky's pretty much ecstatic, because she's been trying to get me to go to therapy for about three years now. I, being the stubborn little brat that I am, refused out of both stubborness...and fear about the things I'd find out about myself. But I'm not afraid anymore. I'm ready. Ready to face my demons and the things that made me so messed up in the first place, and just get out with my life. Bring it on. :D

Thursday, April 24, 2008

First real post! ^_^ By: Pinky

*smiles lovingly at boy's and starshine's introductions* Those are My babies, ^_^!

So I spent the day with boy yesterday, =^___^=! Even though I told My mother that I'd go drop off My resumes at some select places, *evil giggle*. Ah well. Hadn't seen him in about two weeks, so I was jonesin' for some slavey love. Damn, it's some bloody conspiracy that right when we profess our love and get deeper in the relationship, that I have no time to see him, >.<. And this is without having a damn job, I can't imagine how it would be when I have one. *sob*

On the bright side, starshine shall be heading down to FL in about 3 months, ^__^. Not too happy about the wait, being that I haven't seen her in a little over a year, but the fact that she's coming makes it better, :). her birthday is 7 days after she arrives, and I'm so excited to give her her present *evil grin and happy giggles*. I know she's going to whine til I tell her what it is, which I won't, so there will be lots of pouties and whiny/bratty noises. Until I silence them, ^_^. I love torturing her with surprises, XP. Same with boy. they're both very impatient little subbies, but I heart them, =D.

Gave boy a beating yesterday. Wasn't nearly as long of a duration nor as forceful as the others, but we enjoyed just the same, ^.^. I realized that I had a hard leather belt in My collection of belts that I barely ever wear, and the beasty in Me clapped Her cute little hands with glee. Oh the possibilities. It made a delicious crack when I snapped it, and an even lovelier sound when I smacked boy's bum with it, coupled with his fervent moaning, ^_^. *sigh* I love hurting him. he's such a painslut, which works well with My extremely violent tendencies, XD.

starshine has repeatedly told Me that she isn't into that kind of pain, she mostly likes the idea of domestic punishment, a sound spanking whenever she's naughty. Which there will be many once she gets here, *grins*. Have 3 more months of The List, star. Just wanted to remind you, ^.^.

(A/N: The List is exactly what the name implies; a list. But on this list is every disobedience, smart-ass remark that starshine has done so far. Once she arrives, she'll receive punishment for each.) Oh, how I love The List, ^_^. *huggles it*

I'm going to have to train her much like I trained boy. It's going to take some time before she gets to the point that I want her to be, but she has that special, beautiful submissiveness in her that will get her through. I'm very confident about that, =).


I almost have a full kitchen!!! ^___________^!!! It's taken about a bloody year to get it all done, but that's cause of financial problemas. Thank god My mother has a boyfriend that knows everything about HandyManness. If I hadn't have almost burned down the whole damn thing, it would've taken less time, XD. I didn't do it on purpose, I promise!! I know I'm a little fucked up in the head, and a bit of a pyro, but I wouldn't do it to My own bloody house. Not even if I wanted to make a very angry statement to My aggravatingly passive/aggressive, manipulative mother. I'm not bitter.

I can't wait til it's done... I have an immense love for cooking and baking, so not being able to has killed a little piece of Me. Been using boy's kitchen most of the time, XD. And if not his, My best friend Lex's kitchen, lol. I decided to have a "YAY THE KITCHEN IS DONE!" party, invite My friends, loved ones, and make a big yummy meal, with at least 4 different desserts, lol. This is Me going over the top of course. I'm Cuban, what do you want from Me? XD It's in our blood to be exaggerating.

But anywho, I must be off. Still have some chores to do, >.<. *wishes boy was here to do his Cinderella job* Ah well. I shall see him Friday, ^_^. Ta ta for now.

Brutally yours,


Rounding out this Devil's trifecta...

Hello to anyone reading this, i'm boy, the S.A.M./slave. i'm 20, incredibly weird, and also in love with Pinky. Though i admit, not enough to come up with names like pudding pop and schmoopy...wooopy... no... just no.

Despite, or maybe because of, her sickeningly cuteocity, starshine is a wonderful person with a huge heart and a never ending giggle. We've just met but i hope to get to know her well as time goes by. its my hope that our friendship will help bring this Devil's trifecta closer together and create a life long bond. If that happens, we will aid global warming with our never ending laughter.

i'm new to this world. If you'd told me a month ago id be in any way involved in a poly amorous relationship i'd have mocked you and stolen your wallet. If you told me several months ago i would hand my life over to someone so completely and submit to them in such a short period of time, i probably would have hugged you and told you it was going to be okay.

But now that i'm here, i couldn't be happier. And i hope anyone who reads this finds happiness like this if they haven't already. Whether it be through submission, love, music, cookies, whatever makes you happy. Embrace it and never let it go. And if you don't know where to start, might i suggest Scrubs. Its an amazing show that is almost sure to bring happiness to your life. Open your heart and let Dr. Cox fill it with spite. Angry angry spite.

So until next time, take care and much love.

~i love you all and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tis a Starshine~.

'Allo all you people out there in reader-land~. Hope that you're enjoying yourselves, you kinky little perverts. xD

I won't tell you all of my info, that's dangerous over the interwebz, but I can tell you a little bit about myself.

I'm Starshine, almost-20, and madly in love with Pinky, my pudding pop, my lovie-lovie, my schmoopy-woopy baby bottle pop. (I love coming up with disgustingly cute names for her. My God she's gonna hurt me when I get there. xD) I met her in HS, and after about a year of knowing her, I pretty much got CRAZY about her. Couldn't, wouldn't leave her side. We were in a basic D/s relationship for YEARS before we even figured out our feelings for each other. I'd let her tell me what to do, where to go, what to wear, all sorts of things. It always just felt comfortable and natural, nothing disgusting or squicky about it.

Last year, I finally came to my senses and told her how I felt. We were both scared and inexperienced for that sort of relationship, not ready for it. Let me tell you, I am ready RIGHT NOW. D: But I moved, stupid me. So we'll have to wait.

One more this. I'm kind of a. . . Good Lord I hate this word, but I'm a spankophile. I can't get enough of it. I want it, need it, love it to pieces. Never experienced one though. Will, if I can get down this fast enough. :D

That's me, the bratty, giggly, smart-mouthed, loving, too sensitive Starshine. Hopefully you guys will come to love me too.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Confessions of a Loving Sadist.

'There's a certain splendor in the way

your screams caress the walls of My heart,

An indefinable joy and completeness laced in your

Resonating pleas...'

My name is Pinky, and I am a 19 year-old female who loves to hurt people. I also love listening to music (while hurting people), eating cookies (while hurting people), and watching political debates (while hurting people). *chuckles* Ok, so maybe that's a bit much, but I just wanted to emphasize. I'm not always a cruel, unfeeling Mistress. I can be quite giggly, cute, and VERY lovey. It's just one of the many aspects of My bipolar self, XP.

I'm currently in two relationships, one with boy, and one with starshine. Unfortunately, starshine is temporarily living in a different state, but will be down here in July!! *wishes she was here now* >.<

I was born and raised in the sunny, penis state of the USfuckin'EH: Florida. I met starshine about 6 1/2 years before boy, but love them both just the same, ^__^!! starshine and I went to High School together, and I met boy through mutual friends, and have been best friends (and recently the big BF & GF!) since. I'm very friendly, but extremely over-protective, especially with My pets! >.< I'm open to any questions, as long as they're respectful, ^_^. Annd.. I believe that's all I'm going to give you about Me for now, =^.^=. Happy reading and stay kinky!


A warm and hearty greeting from Menage a Trois!

WARNING: This page is not suitable for ones under the age of 18, and the close minded.

Bonjour, and welcome to Menage a Trois! If you've stumbled across this page and have no interest or do not agree with the following: polyamorous relationships, BDSM, detailed accounts of torture (always consensual, ^.^), D/s, or cookies... the door is behind you. If you embrace these wonderful lifestyles, and delicious treat, come in and stay for a while. =)

Now. So as not to confuse anyone, this blog is shared by 3 very distinct people, none of which are in My head. Finally got rid of those bastards.. No, these are My quite real, beloved pets, starshine and boy, and I am their Mistress, Pinky. Yes, cringe and cower at the "intimidating" name, but I can assure you, it prepares no one for what I am capable of. Ask boy, *smirks*. This won't be a daily account of all our lives, unfortunately, but hopefully, if time permits, one of us will be able to post something each day.

We hope that you enjoy our blog, *smiles*. Ta for now!

Much love, peace, and kink!

~Mistress Pinky

-slave/S.A.M boy-

~* sub/brat starshine*~

P.S.- I'm assuming if you're still reading this that you're either really curious, are a fellow kinkster, or a die-hard vanilla that just wants to bash us because of our lifestyle. If I wanted to hear your worthless, disrespectful opinion, I'd have put up a Welcome sign for jackasses to leave rude comments. Moral of the story: Be nice. You'll get the same in return. Thanks in advance. =)