Monday, April 28, 2008

Yay Therapy!

It's been awhile, huh? I wish I could do this everyday, but what with my limited interwebz time, I just can't. D: You all can rest assured that I will post something everyday while in Florida. You'll just have to wait awhile.

To the main topic of my post! I called a counseling place today. They're gonna call me later this week to set up an appointment. I'm so nervous, but excited at the same time! I can't wait. I'm already doing so good here, who knows what new strengths I could find by talking to this person. On the other hand, what kinds of things have I been suppressing that will come out during these sessions? What kinds of things will I find out about myself...It makes me nervous all over again. I want to know the reason I feel so scared of rejection and abandonment. Why I can't remember most of my childhood. What happened to me? Do I really want to know? D:

I bought my brother his plane ticket to go to Florida. He's going in May, and it cost 265. That bastard, his plane ticket was even less than mine was. D< So unfair. I hope to god that he'll pay me back on Thursday like he says he will. You never know with Brother. He has a job this time, so that's a plus, but he's also an alcohalic and a known drug user, so I can't fully trust him. I'll just have to poke him until he pays me.

On a happier note, I went shopping yesterday! I got shorts, shirts, a new pillow, a backpack, notebooks, and pencils. I'm wearing one of the new shirts now. It's green, and it's got 2 bananas on it, and it says, 'Let's Split'. It's awesome. Another one has hearts all over it and it says 'Adorable.' Yes, yes I am.

Oh, yeah, I also got new shoes~. They're basketball shoes, but low tops, and they're all blue and black and sparkly~. I love them, but I think they may be a little small on me. D: I hope not, because I've been wearing them, so I can't take them back. Shit.

I need to work out a system so that I don't lose my stuff. D: This is like the fifth time this week that I lost my iPod, and it's getting annoying. (Plus I think Pinky is getting a little fed up with my losing my stuff. She might start putting it down on The List. D:) I should have a set place for my phone, iPod, wallet, ect. I should, but I know I'm going to forget to do it. xD It's me.

Well, until next time, Lovies.

Love ya~

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