Friday, April 25, 2008

My Day and Other Things.

My day was actually exetremely boring, don'tcha know. (Yes, Boy, I am doing this to annoy you. mwahaha.)

But really, it was. Mostly I just cleaned around the house, bathroom, birdcage, my room, stairs, laundry. Everything that I had on my list for the day, done. YAY FOR ME. Now I have to go to work right after this and do MORE cleaning. Oh joy. Rapture. Someone kill me and get me away from the damn soap. D:

I told my family about me and Pinky yesterday. They were...okay with it, I guess. They're concerned that I don't know what I am, sexually-wise. I need to figure that out. I don't know if I'm gay or bi, but I definetly ain't straight, that's for damn sure. I can't say that I'm attracted to men, or even women for that matter. Just Pinky. No one else besides her has made me feel this amount of love and devotion and passion and need. I love her. That's all there is to it. But most people won't accept that. They need to KNOW. 'Are you or aren't you? What if she leaves you? Are you gonna be straight when this is over?' I don't know. I might never know. I'm barely starting to know myself.

Which is why, because I have so many issues with my sexuality, amoung other issues, that I am going to get some therapy for a while. Just to figure out where, possibly even who I am in all of this. Pinky's pretty much ecstatic, because she's been trying to get me to go to therapy for about three years now. I, being the stubborn little brat that I am, refused out of both stubborness...and fear about the things I'd find out about myself. But I'm not afraid anymore. I'm ready. Ready to face my demons and the things that made me so messed up in the first place, and just get out with my life. Bring it on. :D

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