Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rounding out this Devil's trifecta...

Hello to anyone reading this, i'm boy, the S.A.M./slave. i'm 20, incredibly weird, and also in love with Pinky. Though i admit, not enough to come up with names like pudding pop and schmoopy...wooopy... no... just no.

Despite, or maybe because of, her sickeningly cuteocity, starshine is a wonderful person with a huge heart and a never ending giggle. We've just met but i hope to get to know her well as time goes by. its my hope that our friendship will help bring this Devil's trifecta closer together and create a life long bond. If that happens, we will aid global warming with our never ending laughter.

i'm new to this world. If you'd told me a month ago id be in any way involved in a poly amorous relationship i'd have mocked you and stolen your wallet. If you told me several months ago i would hand my life over to someone so completely and submit to them in such a short period of time, i probably would have hugged you and told you it was going to be okay.

But now that i'm here, i couldn't be happier. And i hope anyone who reads this finds happiness like this if they haven't already. Whether it be through submission, love, music, cookies, whatever makes you happy. Embrace it and never let it go. And if you don't know where to start, might i suggest Scrubs. Its an amazing show that is almost sure to bring happiness to your life. Open your heart and let Dr. Cox fill it with spite. Angry angry spite.

So until next time, take care and much love.

~i love you all and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

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